Fly Without Fear!



This course uses realistic air travel sound effects and a special series of instructions to control the fear of flying. It provides very relevant advice and clarification to the aircraft flight phobia sufferer and their friends and family. It is intended to be used with the two foundation courses ‘Relax – and Enjoy It!’ and ‘Control Your Tension!‘ This course provides a wealth of valuable and practical methods for overcoming aircraft flight phobia using cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) techniques and principles.

The aircraft flight phobia sufferer may be driven by a wide variety of underlying fears, stresses and uncertainties. There is, however, a structured programme that will significantly reduce the panic and anxiety symptoms that aircraft flight phobics suffer and eliminate them in many cases. Friends and family are frequently confused and frustrated in their attempts to help an aircraft flight phobic loved one – largely because they do not understand what to do for the best. There are many thought-provoking and practical suggestions contained in this aircraft flight phobia treatment programme that friends and family, as well as the sufferer, can follow with benefit to all concerned.

One of the most difficult aspects of the aircraft flight phobia condition is the pattern of avoidance behaviour that aircraft flight phobics develop. This avoidance behaviour, whilst understandable in that the aircraft flight phobic is highly anxious and frightened by those random effects of in-flight turbulence that they find threatening, is the most powerful single factor in maintaining the problem of aircraft flight phobia. This programme gives practical advice on handling avoidance behaviour and encouraging the flying phobia sufferer in letting go of their avoidances and building resiliency for handling aircraft flights.

The powerful techniques of differential relaxation and anxiety management developed through use of ‘Relax – and Enjoy It!‘ and ‘Control Your Tension!‘ are used to show the aircraft flight phobic how to apply them in those circumstances where they feel panic or anxiety. Together, they combine to form a cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) approach to handling and overcoming aircraft flight phobia. So while the aircraft flight phobia symptoms are being reduced through use of guided differential relaxation, the programme to reduce avoidance behaviour becomes progressively easier to apply until, through a circle of anxiety management and gradual reduction in avoidance behaviour patterns, the aircraft flight phobia symptoms diminish.